Dear Friends,
I am sure all of you are staying home and staying safe. If you are an essential service and need to go out to work, please maintain social distancing (at lease 2 metres from others), wash hands frequently with soap and water, and compulsorily wear a mask when you step out of your home.
Many of you would have delayed vaccines for your children during March/April because of the complete lockdown. That was fine because that was the advisory given by the authorities. But now it is time to give your kids the vaccines that were missed, including those that were to be given now.
The primary series vaccines given at 1 1/2, 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 months of age, MMR vaccine at 9 months and 15 months, Influenza vaccines yearly and the boosters of the primary series are the priority vaccines.
For your safety, we will be having vaccination sessions daily starting at 9 AM until 12 noon, and will not be seeing sick children during that time. We are making all efforts to keep the premised clean and sanitized between each patient. We need your co-operation in this regard and request you to follow the following guidelines, for the safety of all concerned.
Please be at the clinic at the scheduled time
Please first inform the reception that you have arrived and give your details
Please wait outside or in the car until you are called in
Only one attendant with the child will be allowed inside
All persons should wear masks, sanitize their hands and enter the clinic
Children above 2 or 3 years of age should also be made to wear masks
As we need to clean the room between patients, we may be slightly delayed in keeping time for our appointments, kindly co-operate
For other health issues, kindly schedule your appointments after 12 noon. Please use tele-consultation srevices as much as possible. Please visit the clinic only after tele-consultation.